Friday, 9 February 2007

What is called ... TABOO

Hello …
Once again I'm here, but this time, I'm here as a reaction for something happened to me recently, I won't give (things you don't know about me) as some bloggers did, but I will try to think loudly, even if I'll seem as a fool.
Recently, I faced a lot of new things in my life, and these things related to our Arab taboo, (religion, sex and politics).
I realized that I'm a typical Syrian, simple, and honest, no complexity, just typical, as I have been raised in oriental society, so I drink it with the water, and became this person who is speaking now.
I will try to start by our taboo, and then I will try to find out with your help, why it is called taboo.

For the religion, no one of us can chose where to born or what religion he/she will have, so, it is out of hands, then I discovered that religion doesn't matter for what we are on the earth, the reality is only bad people who we called them extremists are giving the bad image of any religion or denomination, so, for me, I liberate my self from this feeling, and I'm dealing with anybody as a Syrian, as a man.
I just want to know, how come we are forbidden to talk or even to think of such things, what is the use of treating each other as his/her denomination, it is awful, and I hope that I will live to see such a day, but at the same time I'd like to thank the people who left these bad things behind their backs.

And now, I will go to the second taboo in our society, SEX, for me, as a part of this society, I used to refuse sex as a normal behavior, and to be honest, I still can't get along with the idea, despite I'm trying to accept it, the idea that I'm one of the demanders of equation between the women and men, but for me, it is just like removing a mask became a part of my face, and it is really hard to remove it, you may ask me why I'm saying this, or why to live with such pain, here, I will answer that: as I mentioned above, the equation between the genders, will treat the women just like men, and as I'm talking about sex, I refuse to accept that the guy who slept with many girls is a MAN, and the women who slept with one guy is a WHORE !!! But unfortunately, this is our society viewpoint, which is totally wrong, at the same time, virginity means nothing nowadays, because it doesn’t mean the standard of being pure or innocent, also here, I'd like to add a new idea which has been refused by most of friends I already discussed them about it, which is the man virginity, for me, I think that it is true, for sure it is not physical, but it is moral as well, I'm sure that it is strange idea, but I believe in it any way, I didn’t notice that I dropped a very important idea, the idea that the human body has its needs, it is by nature, the need to eat, to drink, to breath and …… to have sex, I admit, it is a need, but we are trying to close our eyes and treat it as a lust same as a sin, the woman has this need same as men but why we forgive the man if he feeds his lust or desire, but we will never forgive the woman if she does the same, so, with respect, we are living in illusion, same time, we are all blaming our society, but, we forget that we are the society, I know that this discussion is not enough for this topic, so I think that I will get back to it later on.

And now, I'll shift my tongue and fingers to the third taboo in our society, POLITICS, and Ohhh … what to talk about it, it might be more dangerous than the previous points; you may ask why it is so dangerous?? And I'll say that politics is a mixture of the previous points, and if we want to analyze it: politics needs ideologies and ideologies need believes, and these believes depend on the logical understanding of the main contents of the society which mainly -but not limited- consist of Religion & SEX, at the same time, we can't hide the truth that our society (SYRIA) is almost traditional one, so, it isn't easy or it is almost impossible to convince this society to accept the liberal ideas especially against sex, I'll be glad if I'll see a day when we will be sexless, dealing as humans only, but so far, it is a dream.
I know that my ideas might be dizzy, but I'm trying to give an image of our new generation which I belong to, who is hanging between the liberal thoughts and the traditional life we are living.
I hope that I clarified my ideas as well, and really hope to find a solution for the new shape of our life, this shape that is demanded by the new generation but refused by most of our society.
Please accept my respect, and I'm sorry if I hurt any one directly or indirectly, and really hope to find a good solution.



Mais said...

this might be off topic but i just want to say that i love syria too (you can't be a syrian and not love it!!)
i liked reading ur captured my attention..nice title for it indeed and nice name u got (it got a special place in my heart) :)

P.S hope u don't mind strangers (moi) popping up into ur blog

ziad said...

Hey Oriental Arabesque ...
many thanks for your nice and supportive comment, i was too close to believe that nobody is reading, i'm really flattered,and you are most welcomed to comment and to share my love for SYRIA ...
